Two hundred and sixty-nine days of posting photos in this blog, and this is the
first picture of an accordion - now how could that be?
Today was the annual Oktoberfest celebration at St. John's Church in Lawrence, and the polka band was out in full force.

Oh, sure, I could spend today's blog entry poking fun at the accordion, telling old jokes...
What's the difference between an onion and accordion?(People cry when they chop up onions.)
But then what kind of entry would that be? Shouldn't a blog entry be about more than cheap laughs...
What do a true music lover and an accordionist have in common?(Absolutely nothing.)
Maybe we could work in a discussion on social skills...
What is the definition of a gentleman?(Somebody who knows how to play the accordion, but doesn't.)
Or even some political commentary...
What is the difference between an accordion player and a terrorist?(Terrorists have sympathizers.)
Perhaps we could touch on unwarranted prejudices...
Why do some people automatically hate accordionists?(It saves a lot of time.)
Of course, there may be legal ramifications to such discussions...
What do a long court hearing and a bad accordionist have in common?(There is always a huge sigh of relief when the case is closed.)
So perhaps we can find some other way to exercise our minds...
What's the difference between an accordion and a trampoline?(You take your shoes off before you jump up and down on a trampoline.)
Lest I be thrown in front of the firing squad...
What is the difference between an Uzi and an accordion?(The Uzi stops after 20 rounds.)
After all, there are plenty of worse instruments out there...
If an accordion, a set of bagpipes and a viola are dropped off a 20-story building, which one will land first?(Who cares?)
And when the accordion-playing gene runs in your family, sometimes you just have to look on the bright side...
What do you call an accordion player with a datebook?(An optimist.)
And soon life will once again be in perfect harmony...
What's the difference between a chainsaw and an accordion?
(A chainsaw can be tuned.)
Well, since I made it through that entire entry without telling one* accordion joke, I will leave you with this classic:
What do you call one hundred accordions at the bottom of the ocean?Give up? Check the title of today's blog entry for an answer.
*not one original joke, at least!