- Main Entry: ses·qui·cen·ten·ni·al
- Pronunciation: \-sen-ˈte-nē-əl\
- Function: noun
- Date: 1880
: a 150th anniversary or its celebration

Today Saint John the Evangelist Church in Lawrence celebrated its sesquicentennial (defined above by the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary).
Ironically, according to this entry, the word sesquicentennial won't celebrate its own sesquicentennial for another 21 years.
To mark the occasion, a single Mass was celebrated today on the KU campus that brought together the diverse congregation that St. John's sees at its various Saturday and Sunday Masses.
In today's picture of the day Fr. John is seen huddled with the altar servers before Mass, planning out the strategy for the service.
Though billed as a bilingual celebration, the Mass was actually trilingual, with English and Spanish parts of the liturgy also being translated into sign language for the hearing impaired.
The celebration packed the house at the Lied Center, and four choirs combined to offer an assortment of musical selections for everyone to sing.
Overall, the event drove home the idea that the Mass truly is a unifying force among Catholics of all shapes, sizes and cultures.
Look for some more great pics of the day's celebration on Emily's site!
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