In honor of today's picture, I'll share with you an excerpt from Jerry Seinfeld's comedy album, I'm Telling You For The Last Time...

Why is McDonald's still counting?
How insecure is this company?
Forty million, eighty jillion, killion, anyone really impressed anymore?
"Oh, eighty-nine billion sold! ...All right, I'll have one."
I would love to meet the chamber of the board of McDonald's and say, "Look, we all get it, okay, you've sold a lot of hamburgers.
"Whatever the number is, just put up a sign, 'McDonald's, we're doing very well. ' "
What is their ultimate goal - to have cows just surrendering voluntarily or something?
...Showing up at the door: "We'd like to turn ourselves in, we see the sign, we realize we have very little chance out there.
"We'd like to be a happy meal if that's at all possible."
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