These weekend the Lawrence Public Library played host to two nine-hole miniature golf courses.
They called the event, "CaddyStacks."
For a very reasonable greens fee - all of which benefited the library - patrons had their choice of courses, each hole built and sponsored by a local Lawrence organization.
Highlights included the multi-level billiard table hole (where at one point youa re required to usae your putter as a pool cue), the volcano hole (which erupted with each successful putt into the hole), and the near-impossible anthill hole, whose steep approach from all angles left many golfers feeling a bit antsy.
The signature hole, though, was the Dr. Seuss-themed creation featuring oversized books and an elevated tee.
Players were advertised a 98.6% chance of success on the hole, and as young golfer Mara Smith (pictured below) found out, all it takes is one easy stroke...the books will guide you the rest of the way!

Overall the event seemed very successful. Still, I left wondering: Is it appropriate to yell "fore!" on a library golf course, or can it only be whispered?
Dude. That is COOL!!!