You won't see Ted's legs very often in pictures like these - as the tallest member on the squad at 6'7", he'll be seeing a lot of playing time. As for the other benchwarmers, they'll get their chance. And when it comes, hopefully they will make the most of it. I'd like to think I did.
In the end, even though no score was kept, it appeared Ankeny came out on top of this scrimmage with Des Moines East High School. Ted got some valuable experience on the court. Handshakes were exchanged and a good game was had by all.

Hey, I was wondering if I could use this photo (the top one) for a blog I'm putting together called "Getting off the Bench". This photo would be perfect for it. I won't be selling anything, just inspirational/spiritual writings (and i would totally link to this page and/or Pete Haack's page)