Thursday, December 31, 2009

Day Three Hundred and Sixty-Five: Resolution

One picture a day...where has the year gone?

Time certainly has flown by from behind the camera lens.

This project has been a blast, and Emily and I have learned so much (most importantly we have learned that there is much more to discover on our journey to become better photographers!).

Thanks to everybody who has kept up with our blogs for the past year. It has been very encouraging to have the support, comments, and feedback from people following our 365 days of work.

So, what's next? Well, for starters we encourage you to visit and bookmark our newest blog site: Belltower Photography. This is our joint effort to take our hobby that we love and turn it into something more.

Check back at often for new posts. And here's how you can help us out:

If you like what you've seen on these blogs or what we're doing on the new site, keep us in mind and when someone you know could use a photographer, show them to our site. That's it! (See, I didn't even ask you for any money!)

Thank you for your support, and for giving us more of a reason to see this project through to the end.

Happy New Year to everybody - I'll leave you with this parting shot:


  1. It didn't dawn on me until I saw this post that your guys' project is now over! :( I will miss checking in and checking out the neatest, latest pictures. Kudos for a job well done and for some awesome dedication!!! So proud of you guys!! Here's to Belltower Photography!! :) (and, oh yeah, February 6th, too!!)

  2. Very interesting. Never been much of a photographer myself but you guys are pretty darned good...checked out the website.
