Thursday, April 16, 2009

Day One Hundred and Six: Shadow Play

I come from a family of musicians. Pianos, violins, violas, guitars, drums, trombones, tubas, trumpets, basses, harmonicas, flutes, saxophones.....accordions.....the list of instruments that my family members play is pretty extensive.

So around 5th grade, after about five years of piano lessons from Mom, it was time for me to pick out an instrument to learn and play in grade school band. And after being exposed to almost all of those instruments listed above, I somehow landed on the clarinet.

Maybe my parents remember what led me to choose the clarinet over, say, the accordion (some would say that is just good common sense) - but to this day I can't remember.

My choice of instrument did lead to some entertaining arrangements (written by Dad) of the Clarinet Polka, Take Me Out to the Ballgame, and Orpheus (if you've never heard the Looney Tunes theme infused with a classical piece arranged for soprano and bass clarinets, then are you ever in for a treat!).

Just like my own clarinet-playing beginnings, I'm a little hazy as to the origins of this welded licorice-stick-playing figure that has decorated my music room, living room, or kitchen (he is very versatile) for years.

If memory serves, like most things musical in my life, it was a gift passed down to me from Mom and Dad.

And for that, I'm thankful.

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