Even yesterday it was warm enough to enjoy playing with the dogs outside without thinking about wearing a jacket. What a difference a day made. This morning Lawrence woke up to two fresh inches of snow on the ground and the freezing temperatures to match.
Here is a photo of campus this morning, with Potter's Lake in the foreground and Fraser Hall disappearing in the distance, obscured by the falling snow.

Not convinced yet of how quickly things can change in Kansas? Here are two photos - on the left is my pic-of-the-day from a few days ago, and on the right is the same scene today. Consider this: both pictures are in color.
(click to enlarge)
A day made quite a difference for the appearance of Lawrence. I guess the golf will have to wait for a little while longer...at least 24 little hours.
This may be my favorite study in contrasts. Very cool way of capturing the changing weather in KS!