I shiver just looking at him.

"The Bumble" came to fame in 1964's Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, a stop-motion animation television special that has become a Christmas favorite in many families, including mine. In fact, it is the longest running annual television special (one year older than 1965's A Charlie Brown Christmas).
Year after year the abominable snowman would make his appearance, surrounded by dramatic music and wild camera angles, and year after year I would cover my eyes and hide behind the sofa until he was gone from the screen. (This became quite embarrassing to be doing when I reached my teens.)
But what was there not to be scared of? His pointy fangs, his googly eyes, his sharp claws protruding from his vinyl paws...Thank goodness Yukon Cornelius and Herbie the Elf de-toothed him in time to "humble the bumble."
Now that I'm a bit older and not as scared of animated monsters from children's television specials, I can appreciate this gift from my friend Sarah (who recognized the true importance of Rudolph in my life). I also appreciate the irony that the abominable snowman standing high atop the book shelf in my room is holding a tube of Blistex.
Few others do.
Blistex. I laughed out loud!!!