Thursday, March 19, 2009

Day Seventy-Eight: On the Road Again

I've been on the road a lot in the past week, visiting Chicago, South Bend, St. Louis, and (currently) Minneapolis. In today's photo I wanted to capture that feeling of being on the highway.

I've made the trip from Lawrence, my current home, to Minneapolis, my former home (but still very much where my heart is) many times over the past decade or so. Driving through 450 miles of farmland might not seem like the most exciting journey, but is has its bonuses.

Some of the best sunsets I have ever seen have come on trips to the northland - and as have already noted, sunset pictures are like candy to me. In the summer months at night you can look to the side of the road and see hundreds of glowing streaks from lightning bugs seeking refuge and companionship in the tall grasses. And on a clear night away from cities and street lights the stars are as bright as I've ever seen them.

On our current trip, Emily and I pulled off of the interstate to take a few pictures (okay, I took the pictures while she waited patiently and warmly in the car with the dogs). Though Interstate-35 was a blur of headlights and taillights, the exit itself was unpopulated and made for some great (albeit brief) stargazing.

I've gotten to know the mileage markers along this trip pretty well. "153 miles to Minneapolis" means we're about to pass Clear Lake, Iowa, then Diamond Jo's Casino, and then the Minnesota border with about 100 miles left to go.

Given my affinities for road trips, seeing family, and picture taking, don't be surprised if more "Kansas to Minnesota" pictures make their way on the blog!

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