Monday, March 30, 2009

Day Eighty-Nine: High Cycle

I've said it before: you can see some strange stuff in Lawrence. So many things, in fact, that cars built out of hot tubs and the rest seem to fit right in with the city after a while.

So what surprise should it be, then, to see three bicyclists riding through downtown: two on standard ten-speeds, and one on two standard ten-speeds?

This double-decker bike (that used the welded frames of two standard ten-speeds) looks like the brainchild of an engineering major moonlighting as a garage mechanic, and I imagine the construction process was something like what a surgeon might do in the trenches if he had to operate using only a rusty knife and a spool of twine.

That being said, the bike seems to excel in form and functionality, leaving but one other important factor of consideration: practicality.

Besides a general amazement for the bike itself and the balance of the rider, the most-asked question by onlookers (that I heard repeatedly while tyring to chase down the cyclists after getting out my camera) was, "How did he get on that thing?"

Good question! And I may never know the answer. By the time I got this close for a shot, they were already riding off into the sunset.

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