When I'm not photoblogging or musichurching, I am busy at school, teaching...(dramatic pause)...math. (insert collective groan here.)
Tomorrow is the official start of spring break for our school, but some of my students started the break a little early in their minds. Being the mean teacher that I am, I made my students work down to the last minute of each class today.
A few creative students still found time to put together a spring break-themed whiteboard mural in my room featuring a countdown timer, April showers, May flowers, pilgrims (?), and of course...the spring break armadillo.

I enjoyed my time as a student, and I love teaching. It's interesting seeing things from different sides of the educative process. I still feel like I'm student at times - even teachers have a lot to learn (like, don't leave so many dry-erase markers out where students can get to them easily!).
And in case you're wondering, teachers do look forward to spring break as much as their students!
Hmm...I wonder what life is like out in the real world? Maybe I'll look into that a little further...after my break.
Duh! I thought everyone knew about the Spring Break Armadillo and the Pilgrims role in establishing Spring Break! ????? What's wrong with you? ;)