Now we fast forward several weeks (or head 500 miles south to a slightly warmer climate) to find three healthy nestlings hanging out with mama robin in the tree outside my house.

Welcome to First Flight Air! We hope to make your first time flying go as smoothly as possible. One thing we ask is that all minors (under the age of 10 days) be accompanied by an adult. ...If this is not possible, a responsible sibling will do. ...This way we hope to eliminate any cause for alarm. If you are feeling hungry, a meal will be provided for you. ...Our meals are personally selected from only the finest grounds. ...And delivered right to your seat. ...In fact, right to your beak! If at any time you feel chilly, a blanket will be provided for your comfort. ...we want you to feel as cozy as possible. There is plenty of room to stand up and stretch... don't get your feathers in a ruffle! If you need anything else, just call! ...After all, here at First Flight Air we are one close family. ...And we always encourage you to spread your wings and fly! |
I ew'd, ah'd, and laughed out loud! What neat pictures!!!