Friday, May 1, 2009

Day One Hundred and Twenty-One: Cold Turkey

A few days ago I filled you in on what lawyers do in their free time. Today I give you an inside look into the teacher's day off.

Now, ask students how they plan to spend a scheduled "Friday off" from school, and the top three answers will be 1) sleep, 2) tv/video games, and 3) sleep. (At least this is what my own classroom research has shown.)

But if you're like my buddy Tim (who, like me, teaches math at LHS) and you've spent the better part of the week scouting out prime turkey-hunting locations around the outskirts of town, the only logical way to spend your free Friday is to wake up at 4 a.m., don full-body camoflauge, drive out to Clinton Lake hours before sunrise and find some would-be dinner.

I'm not much of a hunter myself, but hearing Tim describe his quest for turkey just seemed like a "picture of the day" opportunity I had to gobble up.

So, with Tim's permission I followed him out to his preferred hunting locale at the end of a gravel road near a boat ramp on the west side of the lake and - being careful not to slam the car door and startle any lurky turkeys - snapped some photos of the moonlighting hunter.

At the end of this day Tim came back turkeyless - no harm, no foul.

And as the rest of the Lawrence High School world slept in, this photographer was left with the question of who is crazier:

...the guy who wakes up at 4 a.m. on his day off to hunt wild Kansas turkey?

...or the guy who follows him out there to take his picture?

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