Saturday, May 2, 2009

Day One Hundred and Twenty-Two: On the Fence

When I think of the University of Kansas, which is nestled snug in middle America, two things that spring to mind are:

1) Basketball powerhouse, and
2) Fields of waving wheat

Two things that do not spring to mind are:

1) Fencing powerhouse, and
2) The Rocky Mountains

That didn't foil the plans of fencers and fencing enthusiasts who descended on The University of Kansas this weekend for the 2009 Rocky Mountain Sectional Championships held in KU's Robinson Gymnasium.

I made it a point to check out these athletes in action and take a stab at some fencing photography, while Emily's little* brother Ted hooped it up in the Jayhawk Invitational (also held at Robinson Gym).

Today's entry also gives me an opportunity to mention the word épée, which is significant to me only in the number of times it appears as the answer to the crossword puzzle clue, "fencing weapon."

Now, other people might lunge at the chance to use some fencing puns in an entry like this, but since those who live by the sword also die by the sword, I'm trying to remain on guard from such temptations.**

*...if by "little" you mean 6'7" and growing...

**I count at least seven. So much for resisting temptation.

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