Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Day One Hundred and Forty-Seven: Light, Camera, Action!

Yesterday I practiced a little flashlight art. Today I continued the experimenting with a makeshift pendulum, a pitch black room, and a little bit of gravity.

Here are the results:

The idea for this pendulum art came from a website with photos taken by Scott A. Ensminger.

On his site he describes a more sophisticated process than my own (hanging a small flashlight and thread from a tack on the ceiling) for created these images - and he also has some more intricate photos!

The bottom-right picture for today was created by hanging the pendulum from a decelerating ceiling fan. The other "ceiling fan photos" didn't turn out as well as the simple pendulum pics - maybe room for a little more experimentation here.

If you have a camera that allows a long exposure time (these were 25 seconds each), give it a try! Every initial swing of the pendulum will give a new pattern.


  1. It reminds me of that old school Spirogram toy I once had.
    So awesome!

  2. A gorgeous illustration of the principles of physics. Well done!

  3. Those pics are really neat! What fun! Oooooohhhhh....I just had an idea.....I will send you an e-mail.... :)
