Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Day One Hundred and Forty: My Own Personal Rorschach

What do you see when you look at this ultra-contrasted, ink-blottish picture?

A flower? A mushroom? A friendly alien? Something else?

I should mention that I am indeed not a licensed psychologist, nor am I aware of the proper, objective methods of scoring an ink-blot test.

So lest you go diagnosing yourself with flower envy, alien envy, or any other type of envy, let me just say that this shape is something so familiar to me that I can only imagine it being what it is - the back end of my dog Farley.

Now, before you jump to wondering what kind of psychological issues I must have for being so well aquainted with my dog's hindquarters, I will explain that one of the things that makes Farley so "Farley" (translation: a unique and somewhat odd dog) is his habit of lying down on his stomach with his feet splayed outwards behind him.

(Click on the image above to see the original picture of Farley being Farley.)

And how does one properly attain this position of extreme comfort and hip dysplasion? The proper method seems to be: one full turn in the counter-clockwise direction, followed by a sudden drop to the ground (known as the "Farley flop") and a slight half-crawl with all parts moving forward except the toes of your back feet.

Unfortunately I don't think I'm flexible enough to copycat my dog on this one.

I guess I have Farley envy.

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